FEMM Assignment 6

  • Due Aug 14, 2017 at 11:59pm
  • Points 32
  • Questions 32
  • Time Limit None


The successful completion of this quiz will draw upon your FEMM training (the class on 'Cycle Variations') and the research of Dr. Pilar Vigil.  Please read the excerpt from Dr. Vigil's work prior to beginning your quiz. The link to the Vigil PDF follows:

FEMM A6_Vigil_Usefulness of Monitoring Fertility from Menarche.pdf

1. Once you begin the quiz, it must be completed in one sitting.  You will not have the option to save your answers and return to them at a later time.

2. The quiz is not timed.  Feel free to take as much time as is needed.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes