Course Syllabus

FEMM Teacher Training Certification Requirements:

           Successful completion of FEMM coursework and Exam.

  1. FEMM Assignments – 8 assignments
    • Administered through FEMM Learning Management website
      • Assignments are in quiz format and once begun, must be completed in one sitting.
    • Assignments are graded on a pass/fail scale.
    • You can progress through your assignments at a more accelerated pace than the proposed schedule. Please inform us if your assignment will be late.
  1. Practice Teaching – minimum 5 clients, 3 sessions each
    • Assignments 1 - 3 must be completed prior to beginning practice teaching.
      • After the completion of assignments 1-3, practice teaching materials will be provided: Teaching image cards, session outlines, charting exercises & keys, FEMM chart, worksheets.
  • The 3 Practice Teaching Sessions are based on content covered in your training:
    • 1: Understand your body & chart your health
    • 2: FEMM Expert: Understand cycle variations
    • 3: FEMM Family Planning
  • Select adults who can learn to chart their hormonal activity
    • Not pregnant or nursing or using contraceptives.
    • Clients must consent to release their info anonymously.
      • Clients may be taught in person or online, individually or as a group.                   Each of the 3 practice teaching sessions must be given to each of the clients.
      • Teachers much practice teach each session at least 3 X to fulfil the practice teaching requirement.
  • At each session (spaced approx. 3-4 weeks apart): review clients’ charting, advise on best charting practices/improvements and answer any questions they have. If you are unable to answer any of their questions or are confused about their charting, feel free to inquire of the FEMM Team by emailing:
  • Reporting: Choose 1 client to report on. Send the FEMM Team their completed health form and charting after the 2nd session along with your assessment of their charting, how you have advised them to improve their charting, and any questions you have. This helps us to give you feedback on your teaching and advice for your next session.
  • Client confidentiality: As a health program, FEMM respects the privacy of all women we work with and requires the same of teachers.
    • Keep client health information secure.
    • When submitting health forms and charts to FEMM, you are welcome to ID your clients by initials or numbers.
      • FEMM Ed. simply needs sufficient identification in order to group health forms and charts as they are submitted after each session.
  • Client Chart Assessments: for each of 5 clients

Once you have taught the 3 sessions with each client, you will complete a full Chart Assessment for each:

  • Submit completed health form and 3 complete months of charting.
  • Submit client charting analysis (Chart Assessment Guide provided)
    • assess their charts and health in light of FEMM Training, and identify charting ability, cycle patterns, changes, etc.
  • Submit to the FEMM Team for feedback.
  1. FEMM Exam
    • With the completion of FEMM assignments and practice teaching requirements, you will be eligible to take the FEMM exam.
      • Written exam, based on FEMM Education concepts covered in your training and coursework.
      • Exam is scheduled individually, you will be in touch with the FEMM Team to schedule your exam upon the completion of your training requirements.


The FEMM Education Team is available to support you.

Please be in touch with any questions, feedback, needs.

Email FEMM Support at

 Welcome to FEMM Teacher Training! We look forward to working with you!

Course Summary:

Date Details